Silvia Rubi is a very cool actress from Spain. She’s been doing porn for a while now and I had the pleasure of feeding her hot wings on the set of Hot Couture #2. Oh and I think it’s her birthday, today!
Strangely enough, a lot of porn actresses I meet are pretty shy or reserved. I think it stems from the fact that, when you do this kind of work, you need to protect yourself and your identity more. Besides, not all adult actors are extroverted, it really depends on the person. That was not the case with Silvia. She laughs out loud and she’s always straightforward. You can find a lot of Silvia’s videos her manyvids channel.
After Hours
As it is tradition, Silvia and I had a spoon of extremely hot sauce after shooting Hot Couture #2. There is no reason why I shouldn’t suffer too… right? It looks funny and, now, I can look back and laugh at myself, but the pain was quite intense in that moment.
Silvia suggested eating a lemon to calm the pain down. She knows her spicy food so we tried it and it worked, for a bit…
You can tell that Silvia is fully confident in what she is doing, which is why it’s always nice to work with her. Most of my work consists in making the subjects comfortable, so it was very easy to film Silvia, even in this debilitating spicy state!
Check out the whole Behind The Scenes video on CommonSensual. I’ll be posting all Hot Couture outtakes on there…
Silvia Rubi by Angel Nebel
Here are a few pictures taken by Angel Nebel, a Spanish photographer (@angel_nebel on instagram). You can find more of his work and more of this session specifically on AltPorn4U.
The point with CommonSensual is to go beyond porn, to get to know the people. I enjoy working with the same ‘performers’ because it’s not so easy to find people who are confident enough to do different things, other kinds of projects where it’s not just about the sex. An actor’s personality doesn’t often play a role in a shooting, which is a shame. With Silvia, you can’t avoid her personality, and that’s what’s really cool about her.
The post Meet Silvia Rubi appeared first on We Love Good Sex.